Monika Pascoe Mikyšková

29 days- installation, 29 drawings of the same object (chair) with dates. 29 days of waiting, drawn before my son was born. 2012
canopy- site specific installation, synthetic silk, metal construction, soap.
Canopy is about vulnerability and fragility of childhood. 2011
romeo does not care, julia does not seem sad- photography 30x40 cm, built in layers, using photos from magazines- metaphor on todays relationships.
national holiday- over one year I took photos of views from the windows of our apartment .We lived with my family above a cafe during that time and there was always noise from the street and guests visiting the place. So I created the ideal situation I was dreaming about, without people and any noise, which was possible only during national holidays. video, three projections about 10 minutes long. 2012